Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Pushing Talent Out of Film

This Guardian article (see link) pretty much sums up the situation.  The bland offerings of major studios prove it.  Attendance at movie theaters is at the lowest in 20 years although revenue is only down a few points.  Talent is migrating to scripted series where more freedom and creativity is allowed.  However, if you saw the season premiere of "Girls" you may wonder what happened to this once edgy gritty comedy drama.  The current production values (hair, makeup, costumes, cinematography, lighting) make it look so generic and pretty.  The writing is even generic.  So success leads to money which leads to more hands in the pot which leads to different expectations and demands.  People change.  Some shows evolve into generic prettiness and acceptability. Some keep the edge that made them successful to begin with. Breaking Bad. Seinfeld (weird example I know). It takes courage and wisdom to stay true to early success and not slide into mediocrity.  These are the true artists whether you make a $ 20 million film or a $1,000 out of pocket indie.

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