Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hit and Run

Directed by Dax Shepard and David Palmer; written by Dax Shepard; DP, Bradley Stoneesifer
95 minutes, 2012

“Hit and Run” is an under the radar gem.  It’s an odd enjoyable hybrid that combines new style romantic comedy, crime drama, car chase caper and sophisticated humor.  You have to listen and follow the dialog to fully appreciate the humor, sarcasm, and social commentary.   The dialog flows so naturally that it appears as if they are spontaneously interacting or improvising.  The main character has a double life that is revealed as the story progress and this causes the major conflict. 
 The characters of Ellen and Charlie (aka Yule) are genuine and honest.  These two seem to simply exist while the camera rolls.  They are so relaxed it is a pleasure to watch them. They are life partners in real life and have a chemistry that lights up the screen.  Everything flowed so naturally and informally that I wondered if I was watching a film.  Yes the crime drama and car chase parts jumped around without too much sense, and at times events were contrived, but I could overlook those flaws.  “Hit and Run” is a gem, not a priceless diamond, but a gem.  Go see it.

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